Cleopatra Group

The new spirit of Egypt development: Cleopatra Group

Cleopatra Group proudly partecipates in the growth of Egypt and in global economy developement
through continuous investments in all its business division.
View Cleopatra Group Milestones
  • Media & TV

    Cleopatra Group seeks ways to put Egypt on the world map while always extending the boundaries for investments.
  • Agriculture

    Cleopatra Group has realized the potential of the land and during four decades has been ploughing, harvesting and developing its farms to bring to the world the best quality picks of essential food crops.
  • Industrial Development

    Contributing to the growth of Egypt establishing new industrial plants in the Suez Tax Free Industrial Zone for the production of excellent products for the internal market and for export.
  • Aviation

    Cleopatra Aviation divides in three main branches in order to provide excellent services in the aviation industry.
An indelible mark
"Cleopatra Group has played a vital role in the development of the country exploring continuously new horizons and always adhering to its core values and beliefs. So let us approach each new day, confident that we will be not only be here for the next couple of decades, but we will also be pioneering the way forward for generations to come".

Mr. Mohamed Abou El Enein
Chairman Cleopatra Group


Our mission is proudly participating in the growth of our Country.
Our contributions to this cause have led Cleopatra Group  to grow from 400 to 20.000 dedicated employees.
During the process the Group has diversified our activities from manufacturing to mining, tourism and agriculture.
We have a commitment to improve the quality of life in our community and bring the future to our doorstep.


Our vision to diversify has been realized and we have left our mark on the agriculture, mining, tourism and Real-Estate development sectors. 27 years ago we started out on this journey with 300 members of staff. Today the Cleopatra Family has grown to more than 20,000. Today we continue to explore also be pioneering the way forward for generations to horizons while  our rich history of achievements has been the direct result of hard work, persistence and commitment, each and every member of Cleopatra Group has played a vital role in this development, by always adhering to our core values and beliefs. So let us approach each new day, confident that we will not only be here for the next couple of decades, but we will.

Latest news

Cleopatra Group highlights
Abou El Enein at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM)